To get the last part, Boston power plans to shift the locus of its operations from the Boston suburbs to China. 作为获得后者投资的条件,波士顿电池公司计划将其运营地点从波士顿郊区迁到中国。
In part, the shift reflects an underlying demographic change as fertility rates among Britons have dropped sharply in recent decades. 随着英国人口出生率在最近几十年的急剧下降,该变化在一定程度上反映了人口结构的潜在改变,但也反映出不断延长的寿命和老年人更为健康的身体状况。
But Gagnon noted that part of that shift, at least in the case of some users, may be as much perception as reality. 但是盖格农提醒说,这次转变的部分至少对于部分客户而言可能给人现实一样的感觉。
Those pledging are part of a broader shift in philanthropy, in which successful business people often entrepreneurs are giving more of their money to charity far earlier than their predecessors. 这些人的承诺符合整个慈善事业的一种变化,即成功商界人士(常常都是创业家)比其前辈捐赠数额更大,时间也远远提前。
China is rapidly expanding its gas supply to cities and industry as part of a shift away from its reliance on coal as a fuel. 中国正在快速扩建面向城市和工业的天然气供应基础设施,以减轻对煤炭作为一种燃料的依赖。
But the company expects to post a profit for 2013, thanks in part to China's shift to faster fourth-generation wireless networks. 但该公司预计2013年将实现盈利,一定程度上得益于中国转向使用速度更快的第四代无线网络(4G)。
And part of the shift will be designing for a millennial customer who also has grown up with social media, she added. 她还说,这种变迁也是为千禧一代客户所打造,这一代也是同社交媒体一起成长的。
Some have even called the rally state sanctioned, and part of a broader strategy to shift the economy towards greater use of equity and move resources towards new industries. 一些人甚至认为此轮上涨是政府批准的,是更宏大战略的一部分,该战略旨在让经济更多地利用股市,并将更多资源投向新兴产业。
Personality research could become part of such a shift. 性格研究可以成为这种转变的一部分。
This is to cut costs but it is also part of a general shift to slim operations and concentrate on what they regard as core areas, such as product development and marketing. 这是为了降低成本,但也是全面转向精益运营的一部分,使制造商专注于自己眼里的核心领域,例如产品开发和营销。
Some see the dispensability of top executives as part of a wider shift in behaviour by boards that are increasingly fearful of regulatory crackdown, criminal investigation, media scrutiny and shareholder lawsuits. 一些人认为,高管的可有可无,说明了董事会行为的更大转变,他们越来越害怕监管部门的打击、刑事犯罪调查、媒体的监督和股东诉讼。
Part of this seismic shift reflects the rise of so-called collateralised loan obligation ( CLO) vehicles, or portfolios of loan instruments run by asset managers and other financial institutions. 这一令人震惊的变化,一定程度上反映出所谓贷款抵押债券(CollateralisedLoanObligation)工具,或资产管理机构及其它金融机构投资组合工具的崛起。
As it is, it must be reinvented so it can do its part in managing the shift of economic power to the emerging world. 事实上,为让IMF能够在全球经济力量向新兴世界转移的过程中发挥应有的管理作用,对它进行改造将是势在必行的。
This is part of a big shift away from clear, detailed conventions about politeness of the past and towards a blurred but largely egalitarian world that prizes phoney friendliness over formality. 从过去明晰、祥尽的敬语交往传统到而今倾向于淡化敬语、但基本上平等的人际交往(摒弃拘泥形式、沉浸虚情假意的用词),在很大程度上是一个显著的转变。
In Japanese the onomatopoeia mimicry word classification in the adverb, belongs to an adverb part, but it may also shift in the actual use for other lexical categories; 日语中把拟声拟态词归类于副词,属于副词的一部分,但在实际使用中它还可以转移为其它词性;
Many of the weapons are in transit as part of our standard shift operations. Tracing-off the block pattern transferring it to the card and adding seam allowances. 一些正在按照常规的转移程序进行转移复描样板,转移到卡纸上并且加上缝份。
This, Allenby speculates, could be part of something bigger& a shift in our view of what enhances our quality of life. 艾伦比推测这也许是某种重大变革的一部分&即是说人们对如何提高生活质量的观念发生变化。
Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity's amazing shift in consciousness as we all ascend into the miracle vibration. 在所有之上,无限感恩这个机会,成为人类伟大意识转变的一份子,引导我们所有人进入一个奇迹一般的振动领域。
The gains are part of a continuing shift in wealth from the East to the tech-centric West. 这些财富增长反映了美国财富继续从东部向以技术为核心的西部转移。
Part of the reason for this shift in roles is that the business appetite for risk has changed. A more "back to basics" approach has meant lawyers have been the natural port of call to lead a rebalancing of risk strategies. 内部律师的角色之所以转变,部分是因为公司风险偏好发生了变化:它们转而采取一种更为“返璞归真”经营态度,这使得内部律师成为引领风险战略回归平衡的自然人选。
Introducing electron-withdrawing groups, such as carboxylic ester groups, compensate part of negative shift of the reduction wave due to the effect of the saturation of a fullerene double bond. 引入具有拉电子性质的基团,如羧酸酯基,则会部分抵消由于C60共扼结构被破坏而引起的电位负移,结果使得电位负移值减少。
In part, this shift reflects the changing nature of lifestyles and technology. 部分原因是,这种转变反映出生活方式和科技的性质在变化。
Research suggests that changes in exchange rates in isolation will not have a great effect on imbalances, but that they are required as part of a broader shift to bring the world economy back to balance. 研究表明,孤立的汇率变化不会对全球失衡产生重大影响,但要进行更大范围的转变,令全球经济回归平衡,汇率调整也是其中不可或缺的一部分。
It was part of the most catastrophic shift among investment banks since the event that created them, the glass Steagall act of 1933. 这是自1933年的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(glass-steagallact)缔造了投行以来,投行所遭遇的最具灾难性的转变的一部分。
It is an important part of state enterprises 'ownership shift to establish an employee share holding system. 国有企业建立职工持股制度是国有企业改制的重要内容。
The third part describes that the paradigm shift has finished in the curriculum domain after 1980s, from curriculum development to curriculum understanding. 第三部分论述了20世纪80年代后,课程领域成功地完成范式转换,从开发课程走向理解课程。
Scientific and technological advancement plays a crucial part in the shift from the current quantitative economic growth to a qualitative one. 科技进步在当前实现经济增长方式从粗放型向集约型的根本性转变的过程中起着关键性的作用。
Then, the paper is building the part of object tracking and shift measuring based on joint-transform optical correlator. 设计出基于光学相关器的电视跟踪处理系统,高精度的脱靶量测量将通过目标运动检测传感器和联合变换光学相关器共同作用得以实现;
Railway signal power supply requirements two ways isolated inverter output, so the DC/ DC part choses the phase shift full bridge topology, later stage adopts full bridge inverter topology structure. 铁路信号电源要求两路隔离的逆变输出,因而在综合电源功率、隔离要求的基础上,前端DC/DC部分选择了移相全桥拓扑,后级两路采用全桥逆变拓扑结构。
In fully realize the basis of annuities socialization extends from the enterprise retiree, will come out into the community management from executing socialization management services, this endowment function to community based on is the enterprise and the family to social part of the shift. 在全面实现养老金社会化发放的基础上,将退休人员从企业脱离出来纳入社区管理实行社会化管理服务,这种养老功能以社区为依托是企业和家庭向社会的部分转移。